
Are you feeling burnt out and overwhelmed? Integrative and systemic therapy serve as a guiding light toward understanding and overcoming burnout. Together, we'll unravel how your work and personal life contribute to your burnout, devising tailored strategies to help you regain balance and vitality. Let's embark on this journey together, paving the way for a rejuvenated and fulfilling future, one step at a time.

Common symptoms of burnout

  1. Feelings of exhaustion or depletion, both physically and emotionally.

  2. Increased cynicism or detachment from work-related responsibilities and relationships.

  3. Reduced productivity or effectiveness in tasks due to mental fatigue.

  4. Difficulty concentrating or feeling mentally foggy.

  5. Irritability or frustration, even over minor issues.

  6. Physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, or muscle tension.

  7. Withdrawal from social interactions or hobbies previously enjoyed.

  8. Insomnia or difficulty maintaining a healthy sleep pattern.

  9. Loss of motivation or enthusiasm for work or other activities.

  10. Engaging in escapist behaviors like excessive drinking, overeating, or procrastination as a means of coping.

Recognizing these signs is crucial for preventing burnout and seeking appropriate support and self-care.